simple sophistication effortless delivered

Event productions from SHOW D’VISION link brands and brand messages with future trends and spirit of the time. We work visionary, image-boosting and sales-promotional. Our team creates sustainable and emotional values.

Enthusiasm to discover the new is the source of our creativity. At SHOW D’VISION we have an eye for the essential, knowledge of the exceptional and courage for the extraordinary. Our events are full of charm, attraction and sex appeal.

Based on a thorough analysis of your needs, a tailor-made, structurally detailed creative concept is developed, fitting the budget and giving your dream wings.

Show D’Vision has over 22 years of experience in organising presentations, shows and breath-taking happenings. Creative minds, artists, trend-scouts, open-minded thinkers, producers and choreographers and production professionals with high-level experience belong to our project teams. Our insider knowledge enables us to create extraordinary, sophisticated, memorable events which are an experience for all the senses.

Our events are experiences, which get talked about!


As the first green German event agency, SHOW D’VISION has its finger on the pulse of the age and has chosen business responsibility over convenience.

Ecological and ethical consciousness is the center of our philosophy while to connect people, embrace new horizons and respectfully treat resources, processes and service providers is our goal.

Why for instance throw away the carpet laid for just one day when it can bring a smile to new faces in an orphanage. At every event the wastage in the catering area is enormous. The innumerable amount of food that ends up being thrown away could be culinary delight for homeless people.

To live consciously is more than just choosing an organic apple.

We choose to be attentive and to be visionary but nonetheless true to life.

Udo Landow

After studying art and theater arts with a focus on dance, engagements with well-known theater companies followed up. In 1987 he founded his own multimedia theater group in Athen called „New Athens Dance Group“. The company toured over two successful years in Europe. After that he spent many years of residence and activity in the metropolises New York, Miami, Paris, Milan and Vienna.

Since 1987 Udo Landow worked as a freelance art director, conceptioner, impresario, choreographer and director. On his agenda creative consultancy and freelance work for renowned fashion and lifestyle companies and all major German agencies.

Core competencies of his work are extremely sophisticated brand and event appearances with strong emotional feedback. Unusualness, extravagance and otherness are the main success of his work. With a view for the essential, knowledge of the exceptional and courage for the extraordinary he gives always a special touch to your brand appearance.

With tailor-made creative concepts from first-hand and unusual and breath-taking performance ideas he gained an incredible reputation in the industry.


Our service as a full service agency includes:

  • Planning, organizing, execution of events worldwide
  • Trade Shows and Sales Meetings
  • Awards / anniversary events / galas
  • Automotive Launches
  • Brand and product placements
  • Organisation of fashion, lifestyle and VIP events
  • Conferences, congresses, symposia
  • Incentive trips and travel
  • Ghost guest experience and consulting for hotels
  • Set and stage design (art direction)
  • Exclusive celebrity booking worldwide